Red Sea Wind Energy (RSWE) Company has a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Plan. This Plan approach contributes to sustainable development by delivering economic, social, and environmental benefits for all stakeholders.
Objectives: The CSR plan aims to ensure that RSWE conducts its business in a way that is lawful and ethical and, secondly, that RSWE further promotes a proactive approach to CSR through:
· The support to the local community.
· Promote the environmental conversation.
· Assist employees and stakeholders.
RSWE shall consider its social, economic, and environmental impact and consideration of human rights to do so by:
· Complying with legal requirements and promotion of business ethics.
· Working in partnership with local communities.
· Ensuring environmental protection sustainability.
Developing the relationship with employees and stakeholders
Proactiveness: During the second quarter of 2023, RSWE has performed different CSR activities to support the Ras Ghareb City community and the well-deserved stakeholders within our two main fields that we are interested in doing all our CSR activities in which are Health and Education, such: Donation of the employee social funds of NREA: RSWE received a request from NREA to contribute to their employees' social fund as part of our CSR activities. They use this fund to support medical cases that go beyond insurance or support in case of death or disability, which is a similar activity to most public entities and comes along with the two CSR fields that we are supporting: health and education.
RSWE contributed to this activity with 25,000 EGP (around 800 USD), as the NREA team is always supportive and helpful and will positively affect all employees.
Bird Migration Monitoring Program:
Egypt is at the forefront of efforts to address climate change, as it is one of the regions most affected. Although its emissions are low, it is vulnerable to adverse effects on sectors such as coasts, agriculture, water resources, health, population, and infrastructure. This adds to the challenges faced in pursuing sustainable development goals by 2030, which include an integrated and sustainable environmental system to enhance resilience and risk management.
Egypt's success in integrating environmental protection into development goals is a tribute to the state's efforts in protecting natural resources. The political leadership has given priority and full support for incorporating ecological goals into national projects, including new and renewable energy projects. As evidence of this success, there is a pioneering model for integrating environmental programs that preserve migratory soaring birds. Egypt is located along one of the world's most essential migration paths for flying birds. The effective management program for wind turbines, part of the signed protocol, is an excellent example of preserving these birds in the development sectors, especially the energy sectors. Conducting pre-construction monitoring and risk assessment is essential for proper ESIA for wind farm construction. This helps to identify the best mitigation measures to minimize adverse impacts. Using pre-construction monitoring information is crucial in deciding on operational curtailment mitigation measures, such as fixed or on-demand shutdowns based on the Bird Migration Protocol and Executive Framework for Wind Energy Developments in the Gulf of Suez.RSWE decided to contribute 9,000 USD in 2023 for the mentioned training programs as these training programs are being held with the aim of:
. Implementation of integrated training programs in bird observation, and shutdown of on-demand programs in wind power plant. . Contribute to meeting the increasing demand for qualified Egyptian cadres in this field. . Maintaining the distinguished level achieved by the Egyptian state regionally and globally through the effective management program for wind turbines through the National team in managing the Migratory Birds conservation programs, namely bird monitoring programs, shutdown on-demand program, and the fatality monitoring program for searching for dead birds by national and international standards in wind energy projects.

Meat Distribution in the Big Feast in Ras Ghareb City: On the Big Feast, RSWE decided to distribute two hundred kilograms of meat among the well-deserved families of the stakeholders in Ras Ghareb City. The site team of RSWE volunteered to contribute to this activity and did the distribution process by themselves. The impact on the stakeholders was lovely, as they were pleased, delighted, and grateful to the company and the team.